Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Im willing to write about Egypt but its too big to write it in one or two or even 3 posts, and im too lazy to do it lol.

but ill part it to be more easier for me so here it is:
For traveling several benefits is of the view that other countries can tell some things exciting And to be able to tell some things expert on the history of ancient Egypt, we would like to offer you this regard some important information during your way. The Egyptian mentality and traditions inherent and platforms are different ways of life is not comparable to that in your country. Egypt welcomes your hospitable welcome visitor at all times and therefore they please grateful for this welcome by accepting to the customs and way of life of the country hosting you. As there are some difficulties that can be easily avoided, such as some problems with the Customs Department or some harassment with the taxi driver, during your knowledge of the rules and regulations of customs or knowledge of tactical systems for dialogue with others. Please invested some of your time so precious opposite avoid any unpleasant surprises

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